ida cox biography

Cox was born Ida Prather on February 25, 1894, in Toccoa. Ida Cox discography and songs: Music profile for Ida Cox, born 24 February 1896.

In 1920, she left the vaudeville circuit briefly to appear as a headline act at the 81 Theatre in In 1929, Cox and Crump formed their tent show revue, By the end of the decade, the economic hardships of the Great Depression and the waning popularity of female blues singers made it difficult to maintain performances of the show, with frequent layoffs and gaps in its touring schedule. Ida Cox, née Ida Prather le 25 février 1896 à Toccoa en Géorgie et morte le 10 novembre 1967 à Knoxville dans le Tennessee, est une chanteuse et compositrice de blues et jazz américaine, emblématique de la période des « female blues singers » dans les années 1920.

Ida Cox (born Ida M. Prather, February 26, 1888 or 1896 – November 10, 1967 ) was an American singer and vaudeville performer, best known for her blues performances and recordings.

In 1927 she married Jesse "Tiny" Crump, a blues piano accompanist active on the Theater Owners Booking Association vaudeville circuit.By 1915, Cox had advanced from the "pickaninny" roles of her early minstrel years to singing the blues almost exclusively. She recorded regularly during 1923-1929 (her "Wild Woman Don't Have the Blues" and "Death… Read Full Biography ↓ ↓ March 25, 2014.Oliver, Paul (2002). She recorded regularly during 1923-1929 (her "Wild Woman Don't Have the Blues" and "Death… Similar to Oxford Music Online.
Oxford University Press. Artist Biography by Scott Yanow One of the finest classic blues singers of the 1920s, Ida Cox was singing in theaters by the time she was 14. She had a less powerful and less rugged voice than her better-known contemporaries Bessie Smith and Ma Rainey, but she held her audiences spellbound with the fiery spirit of her delivery.The independent spirit that governed Cox's life and career was a characteristic shared by many early blues stars, including Bessie Smith, Ma Rainey, Sippie Wallace, and Victoria Spivey.Through her raw and sharp lyricism, Cox in her songs described the complex social realities of poor and working class African Americans in the early twentieth century.Toccoa was in Habersham County, not yet Stephens County, at the time.

She had another stroke in 1965. Ida Cox was born on February 25, 1888 in Cedartown, Georgia, USA as Ida Prather. Similar to One of the finest classic blues singers of the 1920s, Ida Cox was singing in theaters by the time she was 14.

Cox was born Ida M. Prather, the daughter of Lamax and Susie (Knight) Prather in Cox joined the local African Methodist Choir at an early age and developed an interest in gospel music and performance.In the early 1920s, she married Eugene Williams and gave birth to a daughter, Helen. Similar to She recorded regularly during 1923-1929 (her "Wild Woman Don't Have the Blues" and "Death Letter Blues" are her best-known songs).
"Harlem Wisdom in a Wild Woman's Blues: The Cool Intellect of Ida Cox." Similar to Ida Prather, 25 February 1896, Toccoa, Georgia, USA, d. 10 November 1967, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA. Albums include Blues for Rampart Street, Death Letter Blues / Kentucky Man Blues, and Mojo

Few other details are known of this marriage, which ended in divorce.

Similar to She grew up in Cedartown, near Rome, and left home as a teenager to tour with a minstrel revue.

Ida Cox (February 25, 1896 – November 10, 1967) was an African American singer and vaudeville performer, best known for her blues performances and recordings. In 1935, she and Crump reorganized Cox effectively disappeared from the music world until 1959 when John Hammond placed an ad in Cox referred to the album as her "final statement". Ida Cox (born Ida M. Prather, February 26, 1888 or 1896 – November 10, 1967) was an American singer and vaudeville performer, best known for her blues performances and recordings.

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